Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet – 500 tablets


Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet is a corticosteroid used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including allergic reactions and inflammatory diseases. Each tablet contains 5 mg of Prednisolone as its active ingredient.


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Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet – 500 tablets

Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet is a corticosteroid used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including allergic reactions and inflammatory diseases. Each tablet contains 5 mg of Prednisolone as its active ingredient.

Drug =Prednisolone

Strength = 5 mg

How to take

This medicine should be taken with food or milk to decrease stomach discomfort. 

Prednisolone is available as a conventional or orally disintegrating tablet or as an oral solution.

If you are taking the orodispersible tablet:

  1. Remove it from the foil only just before you take it. Do not leave the orodispersible tablet exposed to air. Do not push the orodispersible tablet through the foil as it is fragile and easily broken.
  2. Remove the orodispersible tablet with dry hands by peeling the backing off the foil and tipping the tablet onto your dry hands.
  3. Place the orodispersible tablet directly on your tongue as soon as it is taken out of the foil. The orodispersible tablet will immediately start to melt on the tongue. It can then be swallowed with or without water.

Do not cut, break, or crush the orodispersible tablets.

Try to take it at the same time each day. It must be taken regularly for it to be effective. 

Take exactly as directed by your doctor or according to the instructions on the label. Do not take more or less than instructed by your doctor. Do not stop taking it unless instructed by the doctor.

Dosage of Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet

Adult: Allergic and inflammatory disorders: Usual range: 5-60 mg/day. Dosage is individualized according to the disease under treatment and patient response. Recommendations: Allergic and skin disorders: Initial: 5-15 mg/day. 

Collagenosis: Initial: 20-30 mg/day. 

Rheumatoid arthritis: Initial: 10-15 mg/day. 

Blood disorders and lymphoma: Initial: 15-60 mg/day. 

May refer to disease-specific guidelines for detailed dosage recommendations.

Missed Dose of Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet

If you often forget to take your medicine, let your doctor and pharmacist know.

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and return to your normal dosing schedule.

Do not double a dose under any circumstances.

Overdose of Prednisolone (OMNACORTIL) 5mg Tablet

If you think you may have used Prednisolone more than the usual dose, please seek medical help immediately.


People with the following medical conditions should not take Prednisolone:

  • Active systemic infections
  • Ocular herpes simplex
  • Mycobacterial infection
  • Fungal disease of the ears
  • Perforated tympanic membrane
  • Concomitant administration with live vaccines

Side Effects

Prednisolone may have the following side effects:

  • Adrenal cortical atrophy
  • Increased intraocular pressure 
  • Atrophy of rectal mucosa
  • Kaposi’s sarcoma
  • Depression
  • Psychological dependence
  • Immunosuppression
  • Cataract
  • Glaucoma
  • Corneal or scleral thinning
  • Visual disturbance
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Abdominal pain
  • Peptic ulceration with perforation and hemorrhage
  • Nausea
  • Esophageal ulceration
  • Impaired healing
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Increased sweating
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Fungal infections of the cornea
  • Tendon rupture
  • Weight gain
  • Impaired carbohydrate tolerance
  • Negative nitrogen and calcium balance
  • Potassium loss
  • Hypokalemic alkalosis
  • Sodium and water retention
  • Osteoporosis
  • Vertebral and long bone fractures
  • Hypertrichosis
  • Cushingoid facies
  • Hypertension
  • Thromboembolism


Do not take Prednisolone with the following medicines: 

  • Phenobarbital
  • Carbamazepine
  • Phenytoin
  • Primidone
  • Aminoglutethimide
  • Insulin
  • Indomethacin
  • Aspirin
  • Warfarin
  • Salbutamol
  • Salmeterol
  • Terbutaline
  • Theophylline
  • Rifampicin 
  • Hydrochlorothiazide
  • Furosemide
  • Acetazolamide
  • Ketoconazole 
  • Troleandomycin 
  • Ciclosporin 
  • Metoprolol
  • Mifepristone
  • Birth control pills

Always notify your doctor and pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, including herbal tonics such as traditional Chinese medicines, supplements, and medicines that you buy without a prescription.

This list does not include all medicines that may interact with Prednisolone.

How Does It Work?

Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid which works by reversing the increase in capillary permeability and suppressing the migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes by reducing inflammation. By minimizing its operation and volume, it influences the lymphatic system, thereby resulting in a regulated immune system.


Prednisolone is used  to treat the following conditions: 

  • Allergic and inflammatory disorders
  • Inflammatory joint diseases
  • Rectal and rectosigmoidal disease in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
  • Inflammatory eye disorders
  • Allergic and inflammatory conditions of the ear

Special Precautions and Connected Warnings

Take special precautions if you have the following conditions:

  • Patient with diabetes mellitus or family history of diabetes 
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Myocardial infarction
  • Epilepsy
  • Peptic ulceration
  • Myasthenia gravis
  • Chickenpox
  • Measles
  • Thromboembolic disorders
  • Osteoporosis
  • Thyroid disease
  • Tuberculosis and systemic sclerosis
  • History of corticosteroid-induced psychoses or severe affective disorders
  • Previous steroid myopathy
  • Glaucoma 
  • Acute purulent infections of the eye
  • Who have undergone cataract surgery
  • Avoid abrupt withdrawal
  • Renal and hepatic impairment
  • Children
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation
  • Avoid alcohol

Storage Conditions

  • Tab/oral solution: Store at 25°C. 
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from the reach of children.
  • Do not use Prednisolone that is expired or out of date.